Each color model has its own characteristics, and it is useful to choose a model according to the operation you want to perform. Below are some examples.
(A quick note: I probably should have processed gamma for all the starting RGB values. Will review and update)
Since RGB values simply represent the intensity of the three primary colors, they can be added and multiplied. In fact, 3D graphics make extensive use of RGB addition and multiplication.
RGB addition can reproduce additive color mixing, such as adding green light to red light to produce yellow. However, since the values have a hard maximum, the result can be unnatural when mixing bright colors. For example, mixing pale pink and light blue will result in pure white because all the RGB calues hit the maximum. In the real world, because there is no limit to the amount of light, and the eyes adjust the sensitivity according to the brightness, the mix should appear slightly purplish.
In the demo below, you can randomize the colors by clicking on the canvas.
Or subtractive color mixing can be done as well by subtraction values.