From ancient cave drawings to paintings, cartography, cinema, and more recently, computer graphics, people have sought to depict the world around them on two-dimensional surfaces. Projection is a fundamental concept and method used in these endeavors, involving the transformation of 3D objects into 2D representations.


<aside> 💡 In mathematics, projection is the process of mapping points from one space to another, not necessarily from 3D to 2D. 数学では、projectionは3次元から2次元に限らず、1つの空間から別の空間へと点を写像するプロセスを指します。この場合、「射影」という訳語が使われます。


Perspective Projection 透視投影

In 3D graphics, two primary types of projections are frequently used: perspective projection and parallel projection.


Perspective projection is a type of projection that creates an illusion of depth and perspective by making objects appear smaller as they move further from the viewer. To understand this, you can imagine drawing two lines of sight from the viewer to the opposite edges of an object. The angle between these lines becomes wider when the object is closer to the eye, and narrower when it moves away. This is basically the reason why an object appears larger or smaller depending on its distance.



One way to illustrate perspective projection is to visualize a screen positioned between the viewer (like an eyeball or camera) and the objects to be depicted. When you draw a line from the viewpoint to a point on an object, the line will intersect the screen at a single point. This is where the point on the object is "projected" onto the screen.


To express this mathematically, we can say that a point $[x,y,z]$ in 3D space is projected onto a point on the 2D screen as:

数式で表すと、3D 空間内の点 $[x,y,z]$ は、下記のように2Dスクリーン上の点に投影されます。