At the basis of patterns is repetition. We recognize patterns because the same thing happens again and again. What "the same" means can vary to a great extent though. Sometimes it's as simple as counting numbers, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. If you think about how your days go, or seasons; no two days are exactly the same, but there is a clear sense of repetition and patterns. Some patterns are even more abstract. For example, many stories from folklore to Star Wars episodes follow similar patterns. Christopher Booker argued there are seven basic plots in his book.
パターンの大元には繰り返しがあります。人は同じことが何度も起こるのとパターンを認識するのです。しかし、この「同じ」が持つ意味には、非常に大きな幅があります。1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3と数を数えるように単純な場合もあるでしょう。一方、日々の過ごし方や季節について考えたると、2つの日がまったく同じことはないのに、そこには明確な繰り返しとパターンの感覚があります。もっと抽象的なパターンもあります。たとえば、民間伝承からスターウォーズのエピソードまで、多くの物語には繰り返される類似のパターンがあります。Christopher Bookerは彼の本の中で基本的な物語のプロットには7種類あると主張しました。
What we will look at on this page are the numerical and mathematical ways of creating repetitions that you can use to sketch in code, starting from the very basic 1, 2, 3, example.
このページでは、基本的な1, 2, 3の例に始まり、コードを用いたスケッチに使える、数値的、数学的に繰り返しを作り出す方法を見ていきます。
You can use modulo to create a repeating sequence of numbers. Modulo is basically a mathematical way of saying "count to $n$ then go back to one and repeat". Think of a drum pattern in which the kick drum strikes every four beats, or the days of the week that repeat every seven days. Repeating numbers can represent different things.
To calculate a modulo, you can divide a number with another number and take the remainder.
$4 \mod 2 = 0$
$5 \mod 4 = 1$
$17 \mod 7 = 3$
You can also imagine it as a circle like a clock. Instead of a number line extends towards infinity, you circle around and return to the same point after $n$ steps. The modulo operation relates two numbers based on their division remainder. For instance, the days of the week operate in mod 7. You can say that 8 and 15 are equivalent modulo 7, which means that the 8th and 15th of the same month fall on the same day of the week. Or, the keys on a piano are in mod 12, which means if you go up or down from a certain note (let's say C), you come to the same note after 12 half-note steps. In $a \mod n$, $a$ is called the "dividend" and $n$ is called the "modulus".
時計のような円を思い浮かべてもようでしょう。無限に向かって伸びていく数直線ではなく、$n$ステップ後に同じ点に戻る円を考えます。モジュロ演算は2つの数値を、割り算の余りに基づいて関連付けます。例えば、週の曜日は mod 7 です。mod 7では8 と15 が同じ値になりますが、これは、同じ月の8日と15日が同じ曜日になることを意味します。ピアノの鍵盤はmod 12で、これはある音(例えばド)から初めて上か下に進むと半音12個で同じ音に戻ってくることを表します。