“Audio-visual” is a cliché in visual coding and is still popular. By taking a sound source or input and analyzing the data, you can create various visual (and other) representations, ranging from practical visualizations to more expressive pieces. On this page, we will take a look at the fundamental structure of sound and examples of how to transform it into visuals.


<aside> 💡 We will use the Web Audio API to play sound and get data for visualization. For more details about the Web Audio API, refer to this MDN page. You could also use p5.sound, which is a wrapper for the Web Audio API. 音の再生と可視化のためのデータ取得にWeb Audio APIを使用します。Web Audio APIの詳細については、MDNのページを参照してください。Web Audio APIをラップしたp5.soundを使うこともできます。


Characteristics of sound waves


Sound is a wave. It starts from an object, anything from a guitar string, vocal cords, a propeller, to an popping balloon. When an object vibrates, has repetitive motion, or causes some impact, it causes the particles of the medium around it to vibrate, transferring the vibrations from one particle to the next. In air, these vibrations manifest as fluctuating air pressure; in water and solids, the particles oscillate back and forth.


When a sound wave reaches our ears, it causes our eardrums to vibrate. These vibrations are then translated into electrical signals in the inner ear, which the brain interprets as sound. It is fascinating, as we will see, the sound wave is just a messy up-down of the pressure level. But, we can hear different pitches and harmonies, and distinguish between various instruments, human voices, and different kinds of noise.


The characteristics of sound waves, such as frequency and amplitude, determine how we perceive different sounds. The frequency of a wave, measured in hertz (Hz), determines the pitch of the sound: higher frequencies produce higher-pitched sounds, and lower frequencies result in lower-pitched sounds. Meanwhile, the amplitude, or the height of the wave, determines the volume; larger amplitudes make louder sounds.


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In this picture, the maximum height of the wave, $a$ in the figure, is the amplitude, and the length of $b$ is the wavelength. Or if the horizontal axis of the is time, $b$ is the period, which is the time it takes for each oscillation. Frequency is the number of oscillations per second, which is one second divided by the period, $f = 1 /T$, where $T$ represents the period.

図の$a$、波の最大の振れ幅が振幅(amplitude)、$b$の長さが波長(wavelength)です。横軸が時間であれば$b$は1回の振動にかかる時間、周期(period)になります。1秒間の振動の回数が周波数(frequency)で、周期をTとすると、これは1秒を周期で割ったもの $f = 1 / T$ になります。

Sound wave as digital data
